Library and Information Science

Teaching Resource

Donna Witek blogs about libraries, teaching, technology, academia, home life, working motherhood, gentle parenting, school, and how all these things relate to one another.

Teaching Resource

In the Library with the Lead Pipe is an open access, open peer reviewed journal founded and run by an international team of librarians working in various types of libraries.

Teaching Resource

International blog on information literacy topics from Sheila Webber. Webber is a faculty member in the Information School, University of Sheffield, UK and Director of the Centre for Information Literacy Research.

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Blog for academic and research librarians, filtered by the "Information Literacy" category.

Teaching Resource

Academic librarians from across North America continued to expand assessment practices through their participation in the Association of College and Research Libraries’ (ACRL) three-year program, Assessment in Action: Academic Libraries and Studen

Teaching Resource

Minds Online is a concise, nontechnical guide for academic leaders and instructors who seek to advance learning in this changing environment, through a sound scientific understanding of how the human brain assimilates knowledge.

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Stephen D. Brookfield offers a very accessible guide to how faculty at any level and across all disciplines can improve their teaching. 

Teaching Resource

Reports on a 2-year study conducted by the Committee on Developments in the Science of Learning.

Teaching Resource

This book builds on a simple premise: good teaching cannot be reduced to technique but is rooted in the identity and integrity of the teacher. 

Teaching Resource

Lloyd and Talja include both the more traditional views of the library professional and the newer, more complex socially constructed multi‐literacies. 
